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Is Barranquilla the golden gate?

Foto del escritor: yuiris wooyuiris woo

All of this phrase come to my mind because since I was a little girl my father told me that Barranquilla is the golden state of Colombia but I could never understand the meaning of those words. Let’s know more about my beautiful city even I don’t know the enough words to understand them. Human presence in the population where Barranquilla was formed is very early Reichel Dolmatoff presents dates information between years 3100 and 3500 B . C. in the Puerto Hormiga and Monsú shells, in the Dique channel and between 600 and 1500 B.C. in the Momil swamp and in the Momil swamp site. C. in the Momil swamp and at the Barlovento site near Cartagena. From there the population continued to the interfluvial spaces and the highlands. So taking into account this information Barranquilla began from Barlovento and this is where my question arises, how Barranquilla become a golden state?.

I was looking information in the internet and I found that in 1919 the city became the cradle of commercial aviation in America. The country fully entered the era of railroads, the great river was abandoned to its fate and Barranquilla declined as the main port of the country. Barranquilla continues to be the main port of importation.

Then Barranquilla is called golden state because having the first seaport in the country, built in 1936. It is one of the main cities of the Colombian Caribbean Coast and throughout its territory you can observe and enjoy the natural diversity of its lagoons, marshes and rainforests.

Otherwise Barranquilla has a beautiful architecture; its streets, buildings and colonial houses blend with the colorfulness of the region. Besides, the joy of its parties and the spontaneity of the coastal people, make 'La Arenosa' a place to visit and enjoy in the Colombian Caribbean coast.

Sadly I ask myself where is that Barranquilla of 1936 ? where did the gold go ? Now we don't shine like gold ? Unfortunately the time changed and the city was stopped in the past and many of the mayors did not continue the legacy even the famous family “owner of Barranquilla” los Char. Instead of gold we had a disorganized port, poor urbanization, inefficient public services. I am a proud barranquilera but I am aware that Barranquilla is in ruins.

Most of young people as me left the country because it’s a city that is having a “economic growth” but the reality it’s that the opportunities aren’t enough and actually the city is thirsty of capital investment needed for urban, economic and health projects.

The gold foamed into the Magdalena river and never came back.

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